‪TechbloxModdingAPI  ‪v2.2.0
‪The unofficial Techblox modding API
TechbloxModdingAPI Namespace Reference


namespace  App
namespace  Blocks
namespace  Commands
namespace  Engines
namespace  Events
namespace  Input
namespace  Interface
namespace  Inventory
namespace  Persistence
namespace  Players
namespace  Tasks
namespace  Tests
namespace  Utility


class  Block
 ‪A single (perhaps scaled) block. Properties may return default values if the block is removed and then setting them is ignored. For specific block type operations, use the specialised block classes in the TechbloxModdingAPI.Blocks namespace. More...
class  BlockGroup
 ‪A group of blocks that can be selected together. The placed version of blueprints. Dispose after usage. More...
class  Blueprint
 ‪Represents a blueprint in the inventory. When placed it becomes a block group. More...
class  Cluster
 ‪Represnts a cluster of blocks in time running mode, meaning blocks that are connected either directly or via joints. Only exists if a cluster destruction manager is present. Static blocks like grass and dirt aren't part of a cluster. More...
class  EcsObjectBase
class  Main
 ‪The main class of the TechbloxModdingAPI. Use this to initialize the API before calling it. More...
class  Player
 ‪An in-game player character. Any Leo you see is a player. More...
struct  PlayerEventArgs
struct  PlayerSeatEventArgs
class  SimBody
 ‪A rigid body (like a chunk of connected blocks) during simulation. More...
class  TechbloxModdingAPIException